School Perseverance Support

Are you thinking of dropping out of school or have you recently left?

Do you need help finding solutions to the difficulties you’re encountering in your school life?

Would you like support in finding the motivation to go back to school?

Contact us today at 514-767-9971!

Our support service is designed to help you stay in school or go back to school, and is aimed at young people aged 15 to 19 who are either :

  • At risk of dropping out and attending a high school or adult education center;
  • Recent dropouts who were attending a secondary school or adult education center less than 6 months ago.

The CJE de Verdun’s school perseverance support service is part of the “Créneau carrefour jeunesse” program and a component of the “Plan d’action jeunesse 2021-2024” of the Quebec government’s “Politique québécoise de la jeunesse 2030”.


Our school perseverance counselor is here to help you regain your motivation and hang on to a project for the future! In concrete terms, the counselor will :

  • offer you personalized support, at the CJE or in your school environment, in the form of individual meetings to help you rebuild your confidence in your strengths and abilities;
  • help you identify and implement ways to improve your school perseverance, integrate into the school environment and achieve success;
  • provide you with advice and tools on a variety of subjects, such as motivation, stress management, school-work-life balance, self-esteem, study strategies, etc;
  • refer you to other resources appropriate to your particular needs, if necessary.